#Goals: What Riding and Writing have Taught Me (Part 2)

Note: The following post was adapted from days #6-10 of the Hope*Writers Fall 2019 10-Day Instagram Challenge, in which the following word prompts were given: TRANSFORM, FALL, STORY, TYPE and BECOMING. Check out days #1-5 in “Part One.

Below, I continue sharing insights on what I’ve learned about setting goals and meeting them through the habit of biking and the practice of writing. Come along, and see how you can also become the person you’re intended to be!


TRANSFORM: Be Open to Possibilities

Two years ago my husband crushed his elbow in a biking accident. He was disappointed to miss out on what had become an annual tradition for us…the Michiana Ride for Hospice. While Tom, arm in sling, sat at the registration table, our son Seth took his place so I wouldn’t have to ride alone. (Truth be told, he was riding for the free beer at the after-party!)

Seth and I had a great time bonding through biking. Trudging up steep terrains. Holding up through the heat. Snacking at the SAGs. Neither of us had been training much, so we opted for the 25-mile ride. It was a struggle for us both.

Although he was beat, Seth was also bit. Bit by the biking bug, that is. The following year, he rode frequently, gradually increasing his distances. He trimmed down his weight. He transformed himself into an avid biker. And at the end of the summer, he was able to easily ride over 60 miles with us on the Hospice ride.

His transformation continued this summer, as he achieved his first 100-mile ride. Then, a couple of weeks later, he rode his second century along with Tom, whose arm had mostly healed.

Transformation takes time. More than that, it requires desire. If we want change, we must open ourselves up to the possibility of being something different. We must be willing to trade in our old selves for a new model.

I find it interesting that the Bible never tells us to transform ourselves. Instead, it says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Rom 12:2) Notice the passive verb. We’re not doing the work here…God is!

If we open ourselves to God’s will for our lives, whether it be losing weight, getting in shape, sharing our stories, taking on a new job, or growing closer to him spiritually, He will help us do the work of transformation, as he shapes us from the inside out.

Are you open to the possibilities? Are you ready to be transformed?


FALL: Deal with Setbacks

I’ve been on a bike all day.

Of the six hours I was actually pedaling, it rained for a good three. I was soaked to the skin. Still, as dreary as it was, I noticed a surprising twist to riding in the rain.

The hills, which are normally so hard for me, were just “eh…somewhat hard.” Because I kept thinking about how lousy it was to be riding in the rain.

On the other hand, the rain wasn’t as bad as I imagined it would be when I had seen the forecast earlier. Because the hills made me think, “Uhhggg…another hill!” And I ignored the rain.

The hills helped me deal with the rain. The rain helped me deal with the hills.

Do you face rainy, dreary, and difficult days? If you look for that silver lining behind the clouds, maybe you’ll find one. Perhaps one difficulty will mask another, making both easier to handle.

I like the way Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said it in the final verse of his poem “The Rainy Day”:

Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;

Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;

Thy fate is the common fate of all,

Into each life some rain must fall,

Some days must be dark and dreary.


Yes, the rain will fall. And at times, we will fall too. My husband and I have both fallen while biking. I mentioned Tom’s accident earlier. It was a bad fall and a huge setback for him, as he had to quit biking entirely for several months. His gradual comeback was slow and painful.

Then there was the day I fell dozens of times when we tried fat tire biking in the snow! (You can read about that crazy ride here.) Those falls weren’t too painful but they slowed me down and left me quite discouraged.

Falls will set you back. They’ll slow you down. Failures, mistakes, and rejections can stand in the way of goals you’re pursuing.

But how did you learn to ride a bike? Did you fall once and decide it wasn’t worth it? Or was it something you wanted so badly that you were willing to take the risk of falling again?

I’m guessing you got back on and tried again. And you fell again. And again. And again.

And then like magic, one day you started pedaling and the bike stayed upright. You were soaring on your own!

What struggles have set you back in your goals? How much does your goal mean to you? Are you ready to give up, or try, try again?

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Story: expect surprises along the way

We hadn’t been looking for a kitten. We definitely weren’t expecting to find one.

Surprises are like that. They blindside us. They throw us off our planned agenda. And in their wake they leave a fantastic story.

Four years ago, on our annual vacation in Minnesota, my sister and I and our two daughters were biking our favorite path around Pike Bay…the Migizi Trail.

We all stopped abruptly when we heard it. Coming from deep in the bushes--a tiny, but mighty “Meow!”

My sister is a cat lover. My niece is a cat lover. My daughter is a cat lover. Me? Not so much.

They immediately began searching. I said, “Really? What are we going to do with a cat? We’re on our bikes!”

“But we can’t just leave it here. Maybe it’s hurt or starving!” came the reply from one of the cat-lovers.

I rolled my eyes and wondered if I should just ride on without them.

“Be careful! It’s probably wild and has rabies,” I warned. Still reluctant, but curious, I decided to stick around and make sure no one got hurt.

“I see it! It’s a kitten!!” We all held our breath as my daughter reached through the brambles and pulled out the tiniest, fluffiest, most adorable, blue-eyed fur-ball I had ever seen!

So much for not being a cat lover.

Migizi, aptly named for the trail we found him on, came home with us. He has become my big baby. Our relationship is one of mutual caressing and affection (except when he decides to bite my toes). He’s a constant companion around the house. And whenever friends come to visit they exclaim “What a beautiful cat!” And I tell his story.

I love how when we least expect it–while biking, walking, writing, working, living–God drops a surprise into our lives. He edits our agenda. He changes our minds. He adds new chapters to our stories.

And He rewrites the ending in ways we never imagined.

What surprises has God given you in your journey? How have they changed you and the goals you thought you were seeking?


Type: Find supporters

Look closely at the pic. Down there at the end of the bridge.

That’s my guy. Standing, waiting patiently with his bike as I take a photo. He’s my supporter, coach, and motivator when it comes to biking (and many other life ambitions). He puts up with me stopping to take photos, blow my nose, stretch my back, rescue a turtle….you get the picture. I like to dawdle.

And although he’s patient, he’s also not a pushover. “Another photo??” he moans.

If I dawdle too long, we won’t make it home before sunset. If I get carried away down the wrong path, he lets me know. When I’m being selfish and stealing his biking time or have my priorities all wrong, he sets me straight.

He’s the type of friend everyone needs. Supportive and encouraging. But brutally honest when needed.

I have another friend who reviews my writing pieces before I submit them for printing. I know she won’t just gloss over the story and say, “looks great!” She encourages me but also points out my excessive use of commas, shows me where I can improve, and steers me toward a better version of the story.

Are you working toward a better version of YOUR story?

Whatever goals you have set for yourself, the road ahead will be clearer with this type of friend. Be it a spouse, support group, counselor, coach, or sister…there is someone for you.

One who will encourage, yet hold you accountable. A supporter who has your back, but is willing to get in your face (gently, of course) when you need it. An ally who rides with you, waits for you, and pushes you…on the journey to a better you.


BECOMING: Celebrate your Achievements!

This is it! Day 10!! I made it to the finish line!

Truth be told…it’s day 11. 😕 The Hope*writers 10-day Fall Challenge ended yesterday. But a couple of snafus tripped me up as I raced toward the finish.

First of all, Instagram went south on me. On Day 9, my pic and story were ready to go, and BAM! Error message. Over. And over. And over again. I uninstalled. Reinstalled. Did it again. Temporarily disabled my account. Enabled. Still…Error message. Finally, I sent a message to Instagram, went to bed, and decided to try again on day 10.

The next day, as I prepared to try again, I inadvertently DELETED my story!! I had to type my “TYPE” story again, from memory (at my age, that struggle is REAL!). I questioned whether I would make it to “BECOMING” at all. The only thing I was becoming was very, very frustrated.

So here it is…Day 11. But still, I’m crossing that finish line!

With this Challenge, I attached a strategy for meeting one’s goals to each daily word prompt. In reviewing them, I can honestly say I used every one of them! To summarize:

  1. START: Just Do It

  2. ANGLE: Make a Plan

  3. SEASON: Use the Gift of Today

  4. FOLLOW: Chase the Good Leaders

  5. RECORD: Make Personal Progress, Not Comparisons

  6. TRANSFORM: Be Open to Possibilities

  7. FALL: Deal with Setbacks (you mean like Day 9??)

  8. STORY: Expect Surprises Along the Way

  9. TYPE: Find Supporters

And finally, # 10. BECOMING: Celebrate!

In meeting this challenge, I pushed myself each day to become a better writer. I used the strategies for becoming what God has intended me to be…which in this case, was a day-late finisher. But a finisher, nonetheless. I’ll take it.


When we hit the mark and achieve our goals, whether big or small, it’s time to celebrate! The reward may be as simple as a pat on the back or a high-five for writing that last Instagram post. Or it could be a “trophy” like the car magnets we bought after our recent “goal rides!” Bigger goals achieved call for bigger celebrations!

You started. You persevered. You finished! And that’s worth celebrating!

Use these strategies on the journey to becoming a better you and soon you’ll be celebrating too!