A "Sunday-pork-chop-picnic" kind of day
Our Sunday was like many other Sundays of the past. The whole gang (21 of us) drove to Bemidji to attend the morning worship service at the Evangelical Free Church. (Tom went into town before the service and returned the rental bike to its proper home.) We were impressed with their praise team, made up of about ten members who were none of the same people which made up the team on the previous Sunday. The guest speaker was good, and had a very moving message reminding us of what really matters.
After church, back at the resort, we all started prepping food and grilling pork chops. I'm not sure how many years the Sunday afternoon picnic tradition has been going on, but it’s been as long as I can remember. We all chip in, and the meal is great! Parsley bread, fruit salad, potatoes, and other salads…not to mention great conversation and family bonding time!
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The rest of the day consisted of fellowship on the lawn for the adults, and games and other activities for the kids. All our conversing (and a bike ride for Tom) worked up our appetites after a while, so we enjoyed Beth’s caramel brownies with ice cream to top off our day. It was a wonderful, excellent, Sunday-pork-chop-picnic kind of day.