Nature Paparazzi

Our first day out fishing reminds us of all the reasons we come to Minnesota.

We enter the channel to Pike Bay with caution. The water level is low this year, which means Tom lifts the motor and moves very slowly as Seth watches for logs that could damage our propeller. Despite the fear of scraping the bottom below, the beauty above the surface captures our attention. Lilies, which are often only buds when we visit, are in full bloom, spreading their white petals as they reach for the bright sun above.


We also spot a muskrat or beaver or otter (it’s hard to tell) swimming near the cattails that border our blue avenue. Our annual turtle sighting comes a bit earlier on what appears to be a different log. Or has the log moved to a new location this year? Who knows? Out on the bay, we fish under the watchful eye of the eagle who soars above us.


When we arrive back at the resort, a huge snapping turtle hides under the dock. He’s camera shy, but we are like nature paparazzi as we hunt him down for our snapping turtle snapshot.


Back at the cabin, Ollie greets us. He’s been playing with his aunties Leah and Chloe and second cousins Nicole and Elise all morning. (Seth and Maddie are loving their built-in babysitters on this vacation.) Tom cleans the fish we caught, 14 in all (12 perch and 2 rock bass). Most are average size, save for the one 11-inch perch I pulled in.


We spend the afternoon relaxing, reading books, tubing with cousins (Seth and Leah), and golfing (Beth, Bill, and their boys).

Tom and I go for our first bike ride on the Migizi. Since Tom is nursing a bum knee and riding his new recumbent trike, he knows he can’t do the whole 17-mile loop. Instead, we opt to start at the campground, not realizing we will be taking our car on a washboard gravel road to get there, adding to the frustration Tom already feels in not being able to ride the whole loop.

Getting to our start point is a hassle, but once on his trike, Tom has a new perspective. His recumbent position on the trike offers an amazing view as gazes at the tall pines and birch trees lining the path. Things are definitely looking up now.


He turns around after a couple of miles and I continue around back to the resort. I’m not walking my 10,000 steps today, since I’ve taken a 10.5-mile bike ride instead. I return home to a cool cabin, a refreshing shower, and dinner (tomato-feta bake with pasta and Greek salad), compliments of Chloe and Maddie.

So many blessings. So many reasons we love our time in Minnesota.