Slow in a good way
Maybe it’s not having the kids around, but our slow days at the lake are even slower this year. Sunday was a slow day. But slow in a good way.
We went to church with Mom and Dad. Cousins Deb and Paul and their families were there as well. During the social time afterward, it was decided we’d all make our own Sunday dinners, but would eat together “picnic style.”
I had bought steaks for the grill…something I don’t recall doing when all the kids were with us (sorry, kids!). We also had buttered mushrooms, roasted asparagus, a Greek salad, watermelon and rolls from a bakery we found in Bemidji.
The Grillmasters at work.
Since last week, our picnic group shrunk by eight (Beth and Bill and kids, and Melissa’s parents, Barb and Tom have gone home), but grew by one (Luke has joined Deb’s family). So we had 15 at the family table today. The youngest ones, Ben and Elle, kept everyone chuckling and smiling with their cuteness!
After dinner, Mom and Dad and I sat in our lawn chairs enjoying the breeze off the lake for quite some time. Later, we came inside and sat some more. I worked on my blog posts (which can often take twice as long as it should since the internet goes and in and out). While waiting for my pictures to load, I continued knitting my dishcloth. Dad worked on his puzzle. Mom colored more pages in her coloring book.
In the evening, Tom (who had spent most of the afternoon reading), took off for a quick ride around the Migizi trail. His adrenaline was pumping at least three times when stray dogs chased him (a common problem in this area). While he was gone, Mom and Dad and I made some popcorn for our supper/snack.
It was a slow Sunday. But slow in a good way.