Get ready, get set, go!
Our goal was to leave home between 5:00 and 5:30 a.m. True to form, we left almost an hour after our 6:25 a.m. With only the three of us (Tom, Chloe & myself), we were able to avoid using the car-top carrier for the first time in many years, but we still weren't able to speed up the process of getting out the door. Oh well. Better to know you've checked every last item off the list and left the house neat and tidy, than to leave on time, right?
We dropped off the Prius at Camp Ray Bird where we said a quick good-bye to Leah...sorry and sad that her camp counselor job prevents her joining us at the lake this year. Then we hit the road. Traffic wasn't too bad, and after a brunch stop, a gas fill-up and a restroom break we arrived at St. Olaf College in about 9 1/4 hours, at around 3:10 p.m. Chloe was able to ask many questions and calm a few fears with an admissions counselor and we took another quick tour of the campus. Though she's still nervous about all the changes to come, the short visit made all of us more at-ease.
After our visit, we had an early dinner at the Ole Store Restaurant. The food was great, and gave us renewed energy, despite being a bit sleep deprived. Tom drove us the rest of the way to Minneapolis where we checked into the Best Western (Bloomington), right across the street from the Mall of America. He then took a much-needed nap, and Chloe and I took the shuttle to the mall. Although I could have used a nap too, I struggled through for the sake of "retail therapy" for Chloe. We walked back to the hotel after the mall closed at 9:30 and had no trouble falling asleep!