From lake to table
The weather has definitely taken a turn. After yesterday’s rainy, cool day, today was much the same, but even cooler. With a high of 63 predicted, we decided to wait until late morning to head out fishing.
Around 10:45 in the morning, we were finally on our way to Pike Bay. We meandered around our usual spots, until we happened upon a new rather “hot spot.” We started catching three or four fish every time we passed through, including several rock bass and two really nice 10” perch that Tom and I pulled in at the same time. Maddie also caught a small throw-back walleye. At times the weather became rainy and windy and Tom came up with a line I thought I should use for my blog title: “I can do without this drizzly, spitty, rainy crap!” After three or so hours though, we were having so much fun, we couldn’t stop! At that point I came up with a new title idea: “Mind over bladder.” (Haha!)
Before going in, we waited for Dad, Phyllis, Beth and Nicole to come out, so we could show them where the fish were. (They had gone out earlier in the morning without much luck.) We finally called it quits a little after 3:00 with a catch of 44 (6 Rock bass and the rest perch). Definitely one of our biggest catches over the past few years!
After a late lunch and a nice hot shower, I went over to Mom’s cabin to sit with her while the others fished. They too had good luck and ended the afternoon with another 33 fish! It was definitely a fish fry kind of night! Mom, Dad and Phyllis joined us for a late dinner after all the fish were cleaned. Nothing beats dinner from lake to table!